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Content Collections Utilities

Collection Injection

Sometimes an integration would prefer to accept content or configurations in the form of content/data collections. This can be useful when injecting dynamic pages that require specific field of an integration or when configuring a theme.


AIK-style utility for integrations to declare their own content collections. It accepts an entrypoint which should have the same exports as the src/content/config.ts would for a normal collection.

import { defineIntegration } from 'astro-integration-kit';
import { injectCollections } from '@inox-tools/content-utils';
export default defineIntegration({
name: 'my-integration',
setup: () => ({
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': (params) => {
injectCollections(params, {
entrypoint: '@my/package/collections',

Additionally, you can provide a seedTemplateDirectory along with your entrypoint. If you do, a call to seedCollections is implied using that path the template.

import { defineIntegration } from 'astro-integration-kit';
import { injectCollections } from '@inox-tools/content-utils';
export default defineIntegration({
name: 'my-integration',
setup: () => {
const { resolve } = createResolver(import.meta.url);
return {
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': (params) => {
injectCollections(params, {
entrypoint: '@my/package/collections',
seedTemplateDirectory: resolve('./collectionTemplates'),

@it-astro:content virtual module

This virtual module provides the same API as astro:content, with the exception of defineCollection. Instead, defineCollection creates a FancyCollection, that can be extended by users of your integration.

For integration authors, it is a drop-in replacement.

import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
import { defineCollection, z } from '@it-astro:content';
export const collections = {
darculaColors: defineCollection({
type: 'data',
schema: z.object({
light: z.string(),
dark: z.string(),

Users of your integration would then be able to extend the schema like so:

import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
import { collections as integrationCollections } from '@my/integration/collections';
export const collections = {
darculaColors: integrationCollections.darculaColors({
extend: z.object({
accent: z.string(),

Collection Seeding

If you want to provide some initial content for collections used by your integration so your users know where to start, you can provide a seed for your collections.


AIK-style utility for integrations to declare a seed for collections.

It received the absolute path to a directory that should contain collections in the same structure as expected by Astro, each folder inside of it should have the name of the collection and it’s contents should follow a set schema.

For example, if you have the following file structure:

  • integration.ts
  • DirectorycollectionTemplates
    • DirectorydarculaColors
      • blog.json
      • landingPage.json

You can declare the seed like so:

import { defineIntegration, createResolver } from 'astro-integration-kit';
import { seedCollections } from '@inox-tools/content-utils';
export default defineIntegration({
name: 'my-integration',
setup: () => {
const { resolve } = createResolver(import.meta.url);
return {
hooks: {
'astro:config:setup': (params) => {
seedCollections(params, {
templateDirectory: resolve('./collectionTemplates'),